Price about $730
Spesiifikasi LCD TV Philips 42PFL3404
Philips electronics vendors also participated in the battles LCD TV segment, they bring products to the series "Philips 42PFL3404". This device comes with a minimalist model of a typical Philip with curved edges so it does not look stiff. This product is ready to compete with products from vendors Samsung, LG, Toshiba, Sony, etc. Although not using HD technology, but the quality of images produced by this device looks perfect.
Detail Specification
- Contrast Ratio: 30.000 : 1
- Aspect Ratio :16:9
- Resolution: 1366x768 pixel
- Total Pixel : 1049088
- Size & Screen Type : 42 inches LCD TV
- Terminal In / Out: 1 x AV, 3 x audio, 1 x Component video, 2 x SCART, 1 x RGB, 2 x HDMI, Coaxial
- Remote Control: Ready
- Warranty: 1 year
- View Angle (V / H): 178 (Horizontal) x178(Vertical)
- Speaker : Ready
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