Prices and specifications LCD TV LG Flatron M197WA-PT
PriceRp 1.95 million, -
Amid heavy competition all vendors must continue to innovate with new products, such as that conducted by LG. who had just presented the latest LCD products for low-end. The product is given a series of "LG Flatron M197WA-PT". this product is equipped with 19-inch screen and comes with an HDMI port and a D-SUB, so that addition can be used to watch broadcast TV this device can also be connected to the computer.
Detail Specification:
- Contrast Ratio: 20000:1
- Aspect Ratio : 16:9 and 5 ms respond time
- Resolution: 1366 x 768 pixel
- Size & Screen Type : 18.5 inches, LCD TV
- Terminal In / Out: D-Sub, HDMI
- Remote Control: Ready
- Warranty: 1-year Limited Warranty
- View Angle (V / H): 170° / 160°
- Speaker : stereo speaker
Tag: specification Plasma LCD TV LG Flatron M197WA-PT, harga LCD TV LG Flatron M197WA-PT, update news,price, produk offer LG Flatron, news, review LG TV Flatron M197WA-PT, specification LCD TV LG Flatron M197WA-PT